Application of the Knowledge of the 5 Niyamas

Once a person has acquired an understanding of natural laws and the natural sequence of those laws, he will have to order each item of importance under the functionings of those laws. That is, how anything that he would like to understand properly, is working out or is functioning under the governance of each of those laws.

This principally can be done with anything that a person can conceive of and anything that a person would like to understand on a philosophical level. Examples of that might include relationships, hobbies, art or occupations for earning a living. Here I give an example of how religion may be comprehended through the understanding of those laws.

Religion Governed by different Niyamas

Religion under the first Law of Physical Life:

A religion that is functioning entirely only under the first law of physical nature, is a religion that is purely based on imitation (of what is seen, heard..), on rituals and mere outer observances. Its members will be so only by force of some external circumstances. While its internal organisation will be only held together by the selfish drives of individuals who seek only personal benefit from cooperating with others.

Religion under the Law of Life:

A religion under the second law of “life”, is a religion that is focused on community work, internal harmony within a community, more intimate relationships with other members of the religion, as well as with things like the growth of the community and the spreading of the tradition or religion. Other internal factors where the essential factors of this law are worked out, are things like a thinking of exchange of the items of the religion for material improvement (following the essential drive for the appropriation of food), that is for example, the giving of Dhammatalks in exchange for food.

Religion under the Law of Mind:

A religion is for the most part under the law of mind, when the study of religious texts, the contemplation of religious topics and the acquisition of religious knowledge is becoming the essential element within the religion…

Religion under the Law of Kamma:

When the knowledge of the religious doctrines is having a definite effect on the internal organisation of the religion and the minds of its members, and thus the organisation as a whole is starting to acquire a definite direction based on its doctrines, it is coming under the law of kamma, or is working in accordance with the law of kamma.

Religion under the Law of Dhamma:

When the members of the religion, following a religious training, acquire a universal understanding of life or existence, that is in conflict with none and nothing, the religion may be said to have come under the law of Dhamma.

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