Is Rebirth immediate?

In Buddhism there is a bit of a quarrel amongst different schools in regards to the question of rebirth. The question being as to whether there is a gap between one life and the one to follow or not. So here I want to give some food for thought, which hopefully will at least for… Continue reading Is Rebirth immediate?

Insight into Rebirth Conditions leading to the lower Realms of Existence

It is usually the lack of capacity of an organism and the higher faculties to respond to higher ideas and positive (or attractive) sense-impressions, that will lead a person to rebirth in the lower realms of existence. Ghosts will be held in the sense-sphere realm due to a certain desire related to that sphere…they will… Continue reading Insight into Rebirth Conditions leading to the lower Realms of Existence

Bhumis – Planes of Existence

As a person grows in purity, slowly an understanding of the difference between body and mind begins to develop. Hence, the mind becoming purified, perceives itself as an entity apart from the body. This in turn naturally leads to the question of the condition of the mind after the death of its physical encasement. This… Continue reading Bhumis – Planes of Existence