

Usually it is not so easy to find like minded people when you try something new. And it is not so easy for most people to conceive of a reason for working such system, …building up new knowledge along old lines. Yet, if someone were to think it worthwhile and also posses such capacity to do it, I somewhat would like to see it grow. So, if there were people, contemplatives (at least in heart), who, contemplating along these lines, produce articles or pieces of writing or designs, I would not mind building up a section on this website for other authors.

Many of the ideas that I have presented on this website, I’m quite aware of to be not perfect. Especially the Paṭṭhāna conditions I many times rework and change the text. But I think I already gave them more potential of expressing something worthwhile with them, then one would find in most Abhidhamma books. Much can be discovered along these lines and I hope, that as material conditions in the world seem to grow worse, that some will seek to balance it by growing riches within. If such be the case, why not sharing them with others?


I know that there are many people in Myanmar who studied the Abhidhamma at times for one or more decades, hardly gaining any meaning from it. That is why, having gained some good feedback already from Burmese people regarding this project, I dearly hope to find someone to translate some of the main points into Myanmar language. Yet, other languages especially Vietnamese and Chinese would be very welcome too.

In case anyone has any interest in such contribution or the above participation,

My contact e-mail address is: