The Chain-Reaction of Becoming (or the Law of Dependent Origination)

Paticca samuppāda (often called the Law of Dependent Origination is perhaps the most famous of Buddhist Laws. Discovered by the Buddha and prescribed by him as one of the most fundamental principles to comprehend, it is a chain of 12 links, which is spanning the whole of human life in a cause-effect manner. It thereby… Continue reading The Chain-Reaction of Becoming (or the Law of Dependent Origination)

Kamma, Meditation and Rebirth

For a Buddhist practitioner, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the law of kamma, is one of the essential things to aim at. So, here a small elucidation of this very fundamental law along the line of Abhidhamma. Some Explanations on the Workings of Kamma Suppose, for example a good meditator, attains samadhi, and picks up… Continue reading Kamma, Meditation and Rebirth