Keys to the Abhidhamma System

In the ancient world, the wise man was often called the knower of the gods. The gods signifying hidden entities which were believed to be the controlling agents of the world. Entities which were accessible only to those who were initiated into their mysteries. In modern times too, there are wise people investigating hidden entities, only now they are designated 'forces of nature'. The understanding of them, similar to the understanding of the gods of old, can give them certain powers over nature. The modern means of their studies being called the 'Sciences'. A word coming from the meaning 'to know'. The Buddhist Abhidhamma system being almost a blend of both, might be thought of both as an ancient system of 'scientific knowledge' or a 'divine science'; only its main aim is not so much to explore and explain the outer world, but primarily how the inner world of each individual is ruled and held together. This understanding too shall give the student certain powers, but rather over the forces of his own inner nature.